IWCLAbout us


Regular Activities
About us
Special events

Who we are:

The International Women's Club of Lucerne (IWCL) is an English speaking club for women living in the Lucerne area of Switzerland currently with one hundred members and eighteen different nations. Besides visits, lectures and social events that are planned throughout the year, the Club sponsors a number of regular activities, including a bridge group, a book club, a movie night  and a TGIF Apéro evening.

Membership in the IWCL costs CHF 50.- per year and includes a bi-monthly Club Newsletter announcing activities and local news of interest to club members. For more information about how to become a member or to request a free copy of the Newsletter, please send us an e-mail or contact us by:

Telephone at:    (041) 340-1056 
                        (041) 660-3744 (weekdays) 
or by e-mail: 


The commitee members:

Björg Jakob            - President

Britta Hesse            - Vice President

Gerda Graber          - Treasurer

Barbara Roy            - General Secretary

Christina Marfurt   - Membership Secretary

Charlie Hartmann    - Newsletter Editor

Lena Svenningsson  - Member

Susan Vogel                - Member

Lisa Neville                   - Member


From left to right, Vice-President Brita Hesse, President Björg Jakob and Member Christina Marfurt.

Gerda Graber - Treasurer

 General Secretary - Barbara Roy and Member Lena Svenningson

Member Susan Vogel